Explaining the use of the e-Devlet program

شرح استخدام برنامج اي دولات e-Devlet

Explaining the use of the e-Devlet program

The Turkish government portal “e-Devlet” is one of the main applications that contribute to facilitating life for foreign students and individuals during their stay in Turkey. The website and application provide electronic government services to help citizens, holders of Turkish citizenship, and foreign residents quickly access their information in a variety of aspects, such as extracting government documents, following up on the residence “souls” location, payment services, creating real estate documents in Turkey, and many others, all collected. Services at one point for all Turkish government institutions.

The difference between the “e-Devlet” website and the “eDolat” application?

e-Devlet website:

“e-Devlet” website is the electronic government portal platform for all states in Turkey.
More than 4,000 e-government services are provided to Turkish citizens, holders of Turkish citizenship, and foreign residents.
It aims to accelerate access to data without the need to visit all government institutions.
All services are provided in Arabic by changing the language of the site and choosing Arabic.
The website can be browsed in Arabic by changing the language of the website.

e-Devlet application:

It is an application affiliated with the website in the e-government portal.
Provides more than 1,100 services.
It helps in obtaining fast, secure, and around-the-clock information with ease and accuracy.
You can access the most frequently used services, edit your profile information, receive instant notifications, and quickly access information and services from public institutions and municipalities.


How to register on the e-government website “e-Devlet”

To register on the e-Devlet website, you need:

Visit any PTT post office or branch.
Provide your residence number or passport number.
Pay the fee of about 5 liras to receive the code on your mobile phone.

Login link

The most important free courses offered through the “e-Devlet” application

Although eDoult is mainly used to access official documents, it also offers training courses in diverse fields such as learning foreign languages, improving SEO skills, 3D modeling, Python programming, robotics, operating systems, and self-development on… Basic and advanced levels. Certificates are issued after passing these courses by the Information and Communication Technology Authority.

Who benefits from the free e-school service at “e-Devlet”?

Foreigners with a residence number and Turkish citizens under 16 years of age can enjoy e-school via the membership system. Since they cannot obtain a password to enter e-Government, foreigners with a residence number and Turkish citizens over the age of 16 can log in using the e-government password.

Courses available in the e-school service at “e-Devlet”

Courses include:

character development.
Basic and advanced English.
Effective communication strategies.
Team leadership.
Effective presentation and CV preparation techniques.
Strategic thinking.
Secrets of persuasion.

Courses include programming, design, animation, data, artificial intelligence, machine learning with Python, and game design with Unity technology.

The most important services of the “E-Dolt” website in Türkiye

Using e-Devlet, you can benefit from thousands of services provided by various institutions, which helps you save effort, time and money in accessing the information, documents or application forms you need. These services include various sections in the Turkish Government Portal application, such as:

PTT Genel Müdürlüğü Post Office:

Inquiry and accounting for payment of invoices made via PTT and tracking of shipments sent.

Toplu Konut İdaresi Başkanlığı Housing Administration (TOKİ):

Obtaining the residence permit (Nouss Kite), inquiring about the place of work, and registering the real estate title deed in Turkey.

Turkish Ministry of Justice Adli Sicil Kaydı Sorgulama:

Access to information and services of the Turkish Ministry of Justice, the Presidency of the Constitutional Court, the Council of State and the Supreme Court.

Turkish General Directorate of Security Araç Plakasına Yazılan Ceza Sorgulama (Gerçek Kişi)

This section allows you to inquire about traffic violations recorded on the license plate registered in your name during the year, and also provides the ability to inquire about and register your driving license.

Turkish Social Security Institution Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu

This institution enables you to submit a customized monthly income request document, find out your retirement time and many other services.

Turkish Notary Public Union (Adıma Tescilli Araç Sorgulama (Gerçek Kişi)

This section allows you to inquire about the vehicle registered in your name and access all notary services.

Ministry of Family and Social Services Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı

Through this section, you can request family guidance and family services, submit an initial application to open a nursery in Turkey, and follow up on the affairs of foster families and people with disabilities and everything related to the family.

Presidency of the Higher Education Council Transkript Belgesi Sorgulama

This section allows you to inquire about Turkish education documents, equivalencies, and grades.

Turkish Tax Department Vergi Borcu Sorgulama ve Ödeme

Through this service, you can inquire about and pay your taxes.

Turkish Ministry of National Defense Millî Savunma Bakanlığı/Er Sınıflandırma Sonucunu Sorgula

This service enables you to inquire about the military status document and request an exemption from military service.

Turkish ICT Foundation Mobil Hat Sorgulam

This service allows you to inquire about mobile phone line, Internet, credit and payment transactions.

Are there fees for accessing the services available in the E-devlet application?

All services available in the E-devlet application are free, and there are no fees to obtain your data or the information you need, allowing you to save time, effort and money.

Who can get E-devlet services?

Turkish citizens aged 15 years and above, Blue Card holders, and foreigners with a residence number can benefit from the services of the E-devlet application.

How to extract E-devlet password?

The password can be extracted from PTT post offices, embassies, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for residents outside Turkey.
One of the signatures can also be used as a mobile signature, electronic signature, or new Turkish ID card.

Papers that you must have with you to extract the password from the PTT mail:

A valid residence permit.
A valid passport.
A Turkish phone number to send a code to that is taken by a PTT employee.
A small fee to obtain the password.

What to do if you forget your password?

The password can be renewed through the E-devlet website to send a new code to your phone number. Login can also be done through e-signature, mobile signature, online banking or new Turkish ID card. After logging in, a new password can be set from the “Change my password” page in the user menu.

The most important documents for students to obtain e-dolt services:

Nüfus ve Vatandaşlık İşleri paper to prove residence: The student needs this paper to prove his place of residence and it can be easily extracted from the application by following the specified steps.
Criminal record sheet adli sicil belgesi: The student needs a criminal record sheet to apply for government housing, and it can also be easily extracted from the application by following the specified steps.
Link to download iDoult for smartphones
Google play: Click here
App store:  Click here

Read also: Basic procedures when buying a property in Türkiye

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